Multi collagen Powder
Multi collagen Powder
Our Multi Collagen is the perfect blend of our Bovine, Marine and Chicken Collagens to give you all the benefits of type I, II and III collagens formulated in their ideal ratios. Now you can receive the benefit of all three types of collagen in one. This will ensure optimum results in terms of strong hair and nails, glowing skin, reduced joint aches and a healthy gut. At least 80% of your daily collagen requirements for optimal body functioning is required in the form of type I collagen. Type II is especially useful for people with joint dysfunction and been known to assist with the rebuilding of joints.
Scientific evidence revealed that Harvest Table Collagen not only improves overall skin health but supports your body in building strength from within.
How though? Well, it helps to:
- Rebuild cartilage
- Prevent cartilage degeneration
- Improve mineral density
- Strengthen tendons and ligaments
- Reduce osteoarthritis related pain
In a recent 14 week study on patients that had Knee Joint Osteoarthritis, findings revealed that those who took Harvest Table Collagen on a daily basis had 78% improvement in their condition.
Research is revealing the radical benefits of Collagen in building healthy bodies from within.
Because it’s packed with goodness three different sources of collagen, this product has a slightly stronger flavour and is best consumed in smoothies or shakes.